mind . body . soul




My approach differs from that of most local practitioners; I dedicate time to understand your needs and identify the root cause of your concerns. If you're uncertain about which service to select, simply book the duration you prefer, and we will conduct a consultation to tailor a session specifically for you.


Body Mind Session

60 min/$100 | 90 min/$140 | 120 min/$200

These sessions aim to align your mind, body, and soul, guiding the body gently towards resilience and healing. Emotional distress can become "entangled" within the body and must be liberated. To facilitate this, I may employ various techniques such as Energy Work, Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Sound Healing, Hypnotherapy, Empowerment Coaching, Intuitive Massage, Stretching, Breathwork, and Oracle Readings.


Sound Healing

Private Group in office (10 max) | $300

Private Group on location | Contact Melodie at gratefullife1771@gmail.com for a quote. Prices vary depending on location and time

Sound Bath & Hypnosis Public Group | $35

Private Sound Bath for 1-2 people $150

Melodie has crafted a distinctive sound bath experience, blending reiki, hypnosis, and healing instruments to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering tranquility, peace, and profound self-love and acceptance. Each session is themed to explore various facets of the self and to cultivate awareness within one's being.



60 min/$85 | 90 min/$125

Reiki harnesses universal energy to concentrate and align the frequency of your energetic body, fostering harmony and balance within your body and life.

Jin Shin Do Acupressure

60 min/$85

Jin Shin Do | The Way of the Compassionate Spirit.

When observing the placement of acupoints on the body, they resemble the stars in the sky, with the meridians acting as the connecting lines.

These acupoints serve as energy centers, where clusters of nerves converge to send signals to the brain. They indicate if there is an excess of energy, stagnation, or blockages. Once the flow is reinstated, the nerves convey a sense of safety, restoring equilibrium.

By linking these points along the meridians, I assist in relaxing your body, harmonizing yin and yang energies, rejuvenating, releasing tension, balancing hormones, enhancing energy, and boosting intuition.

The outcomes of these therapies are subtle and gentle. Memories may resurface as your body reconnects with different areas, and emotions may surface and dissipate. This approach aids in supporting the mind-body connection and resetting the nervous system.



QHHT 6 hours $400

Quantum healing guides you into a profound state of relaxation, accessing Theta brainwaves, akin to the dream state. In this state, you can connect with your higher self, which is intertwined with the entirety of existence. Past life regression allows you to view your current issues, habits, or behaviors from a new perspective, facilitating subtle yet impactful changes in your present-day perceptions.

Journey into the Subconscious 2 hours $200

These sessions blend QHHT, Integrative Hypnosis, Reiki, and Sound to foster a profound connection and activate the subconscious. While individual results may vary, a state of deep relaxation is a common outcome, which is beneficial as stress release is crucial for mental and physical health. The experience involves a deep journey into the subconscious, employing guided hypnosis, sound, and reiki to achieve profound bodily relaxation.


60 min/$85 | 90 min/$125

This session starts with a foot soak, immersing them in warm water and mineral salts to cleanse and soften. The feet contain reflex points and nerve endings connected to the entire body. Relaxing these points sends signals to the corresponding body parts to relax, release tension, and heal. The session offers a holistic treatment through the feet, hands, and head, according to your preference.