mind . body . soul
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About Grateful Life Wellness

Welcome to Grateful Life Wellness. My name is Melodie Polansky, and I am an Energy Alchemist. Utilizing Violet Flame Reiki, Reflexology, Acupressure, Massage, Sound Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Empowerment Coaching, I support your self-care journey. My aim is to assist men and women in connecting with their deepest, most authentic selves, providing a safe space to release what no longer serves them or holds them back. My focus is on addressing the root of emotional wounds to foster a more harmonious state of being. With 20 years of experience in energy work, I've gathered valuable resources and tools to aid you.

The Universe is composed of energy and vibration, with complex networks of energetic and electromagnetic fields emitted by humans, plants, and animals. Our energy resides in both physical and subtle bodies—mental, astral, emotional, etheric. Through my healing work, I transmute energy to enhance harmony, resonance, and vitality, which is the essence of my alchemical practice. Transmuting your energy can transform your life!

My life brims with various joys and hobbies. As a wife and mother of three boys, and furry friends, our family's life is vibrant and seldom quiet. We cherish our time in nature, exploring, hiking, and connecting with the Earth's energy. Music is another passion; I sing, my husband plays the guitar, and we come from a lineage of musicians and artists. With a profound appreciation for the arts and nature, I've been expanding my creative expression into photography, painting, and sketching.

It's both an honor and a privilege to serve as a facilitator in the modalities I offer. Remember, you are your own best healer, and I am here to support that journey.