mind . body . soul


Who is Melodie?


I have a lot of new followers so I thought I would introduce myself! I often get stopped in my tracks when someone asks me to tell them about myself, I find it uncomfortable because I spend so much time observing the world that I don’t always observe myself in a way that I can answer that easily.

I am complex, with a lot of layers. I am someone who grew up with a high level of trauma, abandonment, emotional and verbal abuse, eating disorders from a young age, SA, poverty, drug and alcohol addiction…and that is just the early childhood stuff. Teenage years and on were probably worse.

I grew up in a way that you might only see in a very sad tragic movie, and that is what led me to the life I am living now. I grew up with so much pain, and emotional trauma that when I took my first class in massage school, I knew this was going to be powerful. I wanted to help people unlock their trauma. That first class I took was called Rebalancing and Pulsing. Its like taking all the little bubbles of trauma and pain and bringing them to the surface like champagne. I had never been in my body so much, never had any release other than when I was loaded. I immediately signed up for more classes, diving into the somatic responses of the mind and body and how we can oversee our own healing. No one was going to rescue me as I had hoped, it was up to me, and it was going to be my mission to help others.

Now almost 20 years later, I have quite the toolbox. Through continued education, experience, and my own healing, I have really developed an understanding of how people hold onto their stories and their pain. I still have a hard time explaining to people who I am without telling them what I do, because what I do is such a huge part of me. But I am complex. I have at least 10 novels in my head of my own story and in a quick moment I can’t really summarize all of it. I am a mother of 3 boys and a wife, a daughter, a sister, and a friend, a lover of nature and animals, I am a singer, a musician, I write poetry, short stories and I have been working on a novel for what seems like forever. I paint, sketch, craft, I can watch anyone do something once and I will know how to do it. I am intuitive, a guide into your healing, I am an observer, a chronic overthinker, I have ADHD, I am empathic, I struggle with anxiety and depression, I still struggle with my eating disorder, and my addictions. I am fun, I love to laugh, I am expressive, and honest. I have integrity in everything that I do, and I know people.

I am someone who has gone through the fires, the shadows, the hurricane of my soul, and I have come out the other side to tell the story. I have been healing myself repeatedly for years, and every time I think I am good, another layer shows its face, but I know what to do, I know how to process it, how to release. I have learned tools for myself, and I use them, and now I share them with you. I am here for you, to create and hold space for you, a safe place to share your story and to be seen without judgement. I am someone who can sit in silence with you, or share laughter and tears, you are never alone when you are with me.

There is no short answer for me when asked to explain who I am.  I am love, I am light, I am on a spinning rock that is flying through space. I am Melodie, nice to meet you.

Melodie Polansky