mind . body . soul


Don't glaze over the darkness, embrace it.


We are being called to look deep within ourselves. Spiritual growth can help to remedy many of our ailments, individually and socially. Spirituality cultivates self-development that aligns with our highest good. It works toward peace, justice and to ease the planets suffering.

To create a more just and enlightened world, we need to see our blind spots and our shadows. We must resist the urge to glaze over and spiritually bypass these unresolved emotions and traumas, and instead learn to embrace and face head on.

Using meditation and reflection I have traveled to these darks spaces and seen myself in all its darkness and light. I see it as a reflection of nature, to see the beauty in the imperfections that we have within ourselves, because nature in all its imperfections is also completely perfect. Our darkness and shadows deserve space to exist, they have been cramped in the corners and hidden behind walls, trapped and scared to show themselves. I say let them have their moment. When those undesirable emotions start to rise, take notice of them in a healthy way rather than stuffing them down deeper. Beyond those emotions hides something even deeper and through that pain and suffering there is something that just desires to be seen and acknowledged.

Through unconditional love, we can let the anger, fear, resentment, judgement, shame, etc.…have their space. We can let those feelings rise and examine the space that they hold within us, is this something that isn’t even ours, someone else’s projections? Is there a scared little you hiding behind the rage? Look into those spaces that exist within you and use breath to expand that space, let it dissolve the weight and the walls around your pain. These parts of you are beautiful and deserve to be let free.

Using meditation, music, art, nature, creativity, movement, guided breath, plants, community, and acts of love can help restore these spaces into a place of peace and harmony. As we reflect on our own existence, we can also start to make changes in how we react to the world around us. Connecting to our ancestral lineage can also help us to work on healing those past life wounds that we may have carried forward into this life. These are tools to help you to discover those dark spaces, not to avoid them, so let them rise to the surface, see them with compassion, and grace, and allow it to escape.

There may be memories attached to these emotions as they come forward, take a moment to acknowledge it, but it doesn’t need to stay, it has served its purpose and now it is coming forward to be released. We don’t always have to unpack every emotion that comes up for us. Some are important enough to see it through and get to the root, some are just things that aren’t really that significant, but we held onto anyway. You will use discernment in these situations, deciding what is surface, and what needs to go deeper. I find that if I let it come up, I visualize putting a stamp on it and sending it off, thanking it for the lessons it has given me, and surrounding it with love and understanding, and maybe some forgiveness too.

I use many tools in my work to help guide you through these heavy emotions, using hypnosis techniques, Reiki to help clear the residue and fill the void with light, Sound Healing to help integrate and smooth out the energy field, Acupressure and Reflexology to help the physical energy rest and soften, and Empowerment Coaching and Photography to help you see yourself in a new way. These tools that I have learned can help you unlock your full potential and help you to soar. I have been through my darkness, and I still have layers to work through, but I have seen the other side and it is gorgeous.

Melodie Polansky